Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why This Works

This is a parking island in a commercial spot near my home.  Most commercial spots are boring, and this one isn't "Game of Thrones" exciting, but it does work because of its simplicity and the mix of plant materials.  All of the plants are durable, take abuse and pollution, and brutal pruning.  The Convexa Japanese Holly (what looks like a boxwood) has the stiff, shiny leaves, while the grass, which I believe is Pennisetum 'Hameln' has great movement and the lovely buff color in fall and winter.  The contrast of stiff evergreens, be it confers or broadleaf, and the sway of grasses is a nice combination.  The redtwig dogwood in the middle adds just a little color, but would crowd out the space if maintenance didn't keep it contained.  Together, the island works much better aesthetically than most commercial spaces.  The trunks of the trees, which are Flame Ash (Fraxinus oxycarpa 'Flame') are stunted because they're in a crowded island, but they still have lovely burgundy fall color.

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